Conegliano and valdobbiadene | Heritage city

Le Colline del Prosecco di Conegliano e Valdobbiadene

Situated in north-eastern Italy, the property incorporates some portion of the wine-developing scene of the Prosecco wine creation region. The scene is portrayed by 'hogback' slopes, Viglione – little plots of plants on thin green porches – backwoods, little towns, and farmland. For quite a long time, this rough territory has been molded and adjusted by man. Since the seventeenth century, the utilization of Viglione has made a specific chequerboard scene comprising columns of plants equal and vertical to the slants. In the nineteenth century, the bellussera procedure of preparing the plants added to the stylish attributes of the scene in UNESCO.

Exceptional Universal Value 

Brief union 

The Colline del Prosecco di Conegliano e Valdobbiadene in upper east Italy is a territory portrayed by an unmistakable hogback morphological framework which furnishes a particular mountain character with picturesque vistas, and a naturally advanced and proceeding with scene included grape plantations, timberlands, little towns, and agribusiness. For quite a long time, the unforgiving territory has both formed and been adjusted by unmistakable land-use rehearses. They incorporate the land and soil preservation strategies that include the viticultural works on utilizing Glera grapes to deliver the greatest Prosecco wine. Since the seventeenth century, the utilization of the Baglioni – the designed utilization of green porches used to develop zones with steep slants – has made an unmistakable chequerboard design with lines equal and vertical to the inclines. In the nineteenth century, the particular preparation of the plants known as bellussera, was created by neighborhood ranchers, adding to the tasteful qualities of the scene. The mosaic appearance of the scene is a consequence of verifiable and continuous ecological and land-use rehearses. The plots devoted to grape plantations, set up on Viglione, coincide with backwoods patches, little forests, supports, and columns of trees that fill in as hallways interfacing various environments. In the hogbacks, little towns are dissipated along the thin valleys or roosted on the peaks.

Model (v): The Colline del Prosecco di Conegliano e Valdobbiadene is a viticulture scene coming about because of the association of nature and individuals more than a few centuries. The variation and change of the difficult landscape of the hogback geomorphology have required the improvement of explicit land-use works, including grape plantation the executives by hand on steep inclines; the verdant porches known as Viglione, which follow the shapes of the land, settling the dirt and grape plantations; and the bellussera preparing framework which was created in the region around 1880. Subsequently, the grape plantations add to an unmistakable 'chequerboard' appearance with opposite columns of high plants, scattered with rustic settlements, backwoods, and little woods. Notwithstanding numerous changes, the historical backdrop of sharecropping here is additionally reflected in the scene designs of world heritage. 


The limit of the property is of sufficient size and contains the traits of Outstanding Universal Value inside a geographically unmistakable and unblemished landform. Regardless of numerous progressions and difficulties presented by bugs, wars, destitution, and the industrialization of viticulture, a considerable lot of the characteristics, for example, the grape plantations, Viglione and compositional components show a decent condition of preservation, and the patches of backwoods have been kept up. 

Natural cycles are basically significant for the manageability of the scene and the grape plantations. Dangers are presently overseen, despite the fact that the condition of protection of certain components (especially engineering and metropolitan components in the support zone) requires improvement, and environmental change has highlighted the occurrence of avalanches. The scene could be powerless against irreversible change because of the weight of the creation of Prosecco inside a developing worldwide market. Agrarian and viticultural strategies for keeping up the respectability of the scene are keeping, including manual collecting in UNESCO.


The fundamental credits of the property identified with the unmistakable scene, where nature and mankind's set of experiences have formed and been molded by an adjusted and explicit framework for viticulture and land use. Notwithstanding numerous changes, the qualities exhibit legitimacy and are archived through sources, for example, inventories and cadasters, chronicled and strict artworks, and recorded reports that show the presence of the Viglione, and the activity of the sharecropping framework from the primary land vaults in the eighteenth century in UNESCO.

Insurance and the board necessities 

The property and its ascribes are dependent upon the security measures at public and nearby levels; and districts and expert affiliations have presented extra shields through regional arranging devices and the arrangement of lawful and intentional contracts. The assurance of the rustic scene is essentially ensured by the guidelines of the Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOCG that favor the upkeep of the grape plantations, Viglione and different traits that are major for keeping up nearby conventions and to the security of the farming biodiversity and related biological system administrations of world heritage site. 

Practically the entirety of the property has been named to the National Register of Historical Rural Landscapes, a program created by the Ministry of Agriculture for the security of farming rustic scenes. The woodland vegetation is ensured by the timberland limitations remembered for the National Code for Cultural Heritage, just as by the administration plan of the Site of Community Interest (SCI) of the EU Natura 2000 organization appropriate to the region. 

The structures of recorded and stupendous worth are totally ensured at public level by the Codice dei Beni Culturali e del Paesaggio (Cultural Heritage and Landscape Code) gave by Legislative Decree No. 42, 22 January 2004, alongside every single public structure, state property and church-possessed structures that are over 50 years of age. The lawful insurance could be additionally fortified through the usage of the Detailed Landscape Plan (Piano Paesaggistico di Dettaglio) (PPD) at the territorial level; the execution of Intermunicipal guideline of country police (Regolamento intercommunal di Polizia provincial); and the full usage of the 'Specialized principle - Articolo Unico' in every pertinent region. 

The administration of the site is basically connected to the plans and arranging measures created by the nearby specialists – the Veneto Region and the Treviso Province – which backing and assurance the investment of all partners through a particular Regional Law (No. 45/2017). The development of new creation zones and structures in the rural zone that are not carefully essential for the working of rural land isn't allowed. The Management Plan requires a further turn of events, reception, and execution.

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